Welcome to Beyond the Q


Welcome to Beyond the Q Dog Sports! I started a general blog a few years back to detail some training and tips but when my web host shut down I ended up losing a lot of my work. Many of my agility students missed my references and “entertaining” stories so I was encouraged to get back at it.


This website is a work in progress but I hope it will be a good resource with time. Besides the training and handling exercises that many sites cover, I will also be sharing my real life training and trialing experiences. Being a middle class single person on a budget I will also be sharing some money savings tips, deal alerts and product reviews.


For more information on me, my training philosophies and class information see the links above.


I want to leave you guys with one final thought for today. In the world of dog sports it’s all about qualifying. Whether it’s qualifying on a course/exercise or qualifying for an event, you hear the term “Q” a lot. I encourage each of you to look Beyond the Q and focus on what really matters: your relationship with your dog and the quality of training you provide him/her with. From there the rest will all fall into place. 



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